Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Shat - Seth

shat [sht]

Seth; a son of Adam seat (of the body), buttocks, hips six, sixth

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Categories: Body, Names, People
𐤔𐤕, šat, Seth

The word shat (𐤔𐤕) or “Seth” is associated with two meanings. The first meaning is that of “buttocks” meaning the end or extremity of anything, especially the thicker, larger, or blunt end considered as a bottom, base, support, or handle, as of a log, fishing rod, or pistol.

The last association of the word is the set-apart () of 𐤀𐤃𐤌 (Adam) and 𐤇𐤅𐤄 (Khauah) / 𐤇𐤉𐤄 (Khayah). His line was followers of the Most High, 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahauah) / 𐤉𐤄𐤉𐤄 (Yahayah), compared to his older brother, 𐤒𐤉𐤍 (Qayan). Also, his is spelled the same as the word representing sixth for numerical value. It is believed that his is connected to 𐤔𐤉𐤕 (shayat) which means to appoint or to set, in his case, he was set apart.

To read the study guide entry that elaborates on 𐤔𐤕 (shat) then join our Extended Study Membership at or use to share a short link with others.


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Acceptable ways to write it: 𐤔𐤕; ;


Word: 𐤔𐤕
Transliterated: shat
Pronounced: shat
a son of Adam
➢ seat (of the body), buttocks, hips
➢ six, sixth


Word: 𐤔𐤕𐤉
Transliterated: shatay
Pronounced: shat-ee
➢ warp
➢ drink


Word: 𐤔𐤕𐤉𐤌
Transliterated: shatayam
Pronounced: shat-yawm
➢ two


Word: 𐤔𐤕𐤉𐤕
Transliterated: shatayat
Pronounced: shat-yawt
➢ you drank, drink
➢ booze

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