
Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

adauam [adum]

adauam - red lentils

adauam [adum]

red lentils, a condiment
Edom, Edomites

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𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌, adaýam

The word adauam (𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌) means “red lentil” meaning a plant of the legume family, having flattened, biconvex seeds used as food.

Most popularly it is known as “Edom” the elder () of 𐤉𐤑𐤇𐤒 (Yatsakhaq) and twin () of 𐤉𐤔𐤓𐤀𐤋 (Yasharaal). He was originally called 𐤏𐤔𐤅 (Āshau) at birth but was renamed to 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌 (Adauam). He is the progenitor of the 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉𐤌 (Adauamayam) and through the descendants of his marriage to his 𐤇𐤕𐤉𐤌 (Khayatayam) 𐤀𐤔𐤄𐤉𐤌 (ashahayam), he is the progenitor of the Romans. Of the twins, 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌 (Adauam) was the () with 𐤉𐤏𐤒𐤁 (Yaaqab) following, holding his heel. 𐤉𐤑𐤇𐤒 (Yatsakhaq) was sixty years old when the boys were born.

The Paleo-Hebrew language or the original language of the Ābarayam is one spoken with an emphasis on the rauakh (breath, wind, spirit). With the language of the Ābarayam, each letter has a meaning and a number associated with it that adds meaning to each word they’re used with. Below you will be able to learn more about the letter in Ancient Hebrew, Yiddish Hebrew, Greek, and much more.

Letter Meanings

𐤀 (a) – ahOx, strength, leader
𐤃 (d) – daTent door, pathway
𐤅 (u) – ua [ýa]and, nail, tent peg, hook, to secure, connect, Messiah
𐤌 (m) – mawater, chaos, mighty, liquid, massive, sea, blemish
Ābarayat Number713 = 1 (a) + 4 (d) + 400 (u) + 6 (u) + 40 (m)
Hebrew Gematria237 = 1 (a) + 4 (d) + 1 (a) + 200 (u) + 1 (a) + 30 (m)
English Gematria246 = 6 (a) + 4 (d) + 6 (a) + 126 (u) + 6 (a) + 78 (m)
Simple Gematria41 = 1 (a) + 4 (d) + 1 (a) + 21 (u) + 1 (a) + 13 (m)

Based on the meaning of the letters the word could be defined as:

  • “Leader of a pathway of to secure chaos”
  • “Leader of a pathway to connect multitude”
  • “Strength move to connect chaos”
  • “Strength of pathway to connect sea”

Definitions for 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌 / adauam


the of a condiment, stuff, red lentils.
Idumea. Another for Āshau.


Greek Idumaea, Idumea.
an ancient region between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, bordering ancient Palestine


the of a condiment, stuff.
Idumea, Another for Esau.


man, person, human being, creature


Idumea, Edom, a district of Arabia, immediately south of Judea.


GenerationDirect LineageSibling Lineage
1st Generation𐤍𐤅𐤇 (Nauakh)
2nd Generation ()𐤉𐤐𐤕 (Yaphat)
3rd Generation𐤀𐤓𐤐𐤊𐤔𐤃 (Araphakashad)𐤏𐤉𐤋𐤌 (Āyalam)
𐤀𐤔𐤇𐤅𐤓 (Ashakhauar)
𐤋𐤅𐤃 (Lauad)
𐤀𐤓𐤌 (Aram)
4rth Generation ()
5th Generation𐤏𐤁𐤓 (Ābar)
6th Generation𐤐𐤋𐤂 (Phalag)𐤉𐤒𐤈𐤍 (Yaqathan)
7th Generation𐤓𐤏𐤅 (Raāu)
8th Generation𐤔𐤓𐤅𐤂 (Sharauag)
9th Generation𐤍𐤇𐤅𐤓 (Nakhauar)
10th Generation𐤕𐤓𐤇 (Tarakh)
11th Generation𐤀𐤁𐤓𐤌 (Abaram) / 𐤀𐤁𐤓𐤄𐤌 (Abaraham)𐤍𐤇𐤅𐤓 (Nakhauar)
𐤄𐤓𐤍 (Haran)
𐤔𐤓𐤉 (Sharay) / 𐤔𐤓𐤄 (Sharah)
12th Generation𐤉𐤑𐤇𐤒 (Yatsakhaq)𐤉𐤔𐤌𐤏𐤀𐤋 (Yashamaāal)
𐤆𐤌𐤓𐤍 (Zamaran)
𐤌𐤃𐤉𐤍 (Madayan)
𐤌𐤃𐤍 (Madan)
𐤉𐤒𐤔𐤍 (Yaqashan)
𐤉𐤔𐤁𐤒 (Yashabaq)
𐤔𐤅𐤇 (Shauakh)
13th Generation𐤏𐤔𐤅 (Āshau) / 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌 (Adauam) / 𐤔𐤏𐤉𐤓 (Shaāyar)𐤉𐤔𐤓𐤀𐤋 (Yasharaal) / 𐤉𐤏𐤒𐤁 (Yaāqab)
14th Generation𐤀𐤋𐤉𐤐𐤆 (Alayaphaz)
𐤓𐤏𐤅𐤀𐤋 (Raāuaal)
𐤉𐤏𐤅𐤔 (Yaāuash)
𐤉𐤏𐤋𐤌 (Yaālam)
𐤒𐤓𐤇 (Qarakh)

Images for 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌 / adauam

Definitions for 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉 / adauamay

When adding the 𐤉 (yad) to the end of a word, it creates a possessive of the original word. It can either signify “my…” or identify a member of a nation. For example, 𐤏𐤁𐤓 (Ābar) is the progenitor, but 𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉 (Ābaray) is the singular descendant of him also known as a Hebrew.

Ābarayat 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉adauamayaw-doo-mey

a descendant of Ashau or Adauam.


a descendant of Esau or Edom.


a descendant of Edom.




Idumea, Edom, a district of Arabia, immediately south of Judea.

Images for 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉 / adauamay

The Nation

𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉 (Adauamay) or Edomite is the of the descendants of “Esau” who are the adversary of the 𐤉𐤔𐤓𐤀𐤋𐤉𐤌 (Yasharaalayam). They worshiped a deity known as 𐤒𐤅𐤎 (Qauas) or known as 𐤄𐤔𐤈𐤍 (Ha-Shathan) by the 𐤉𐤔𐤓𐤀𐤋𐤉𐤌 (Yasharaalayam), and was the enemy of 𐤉𐤄𐤉𐤄 (Yahayah).

Their means to be “red” or “ruddy”. In some Arab cultures being “red” is in reference to those who are melanin deficient because in hotter climates their skin is a red color. They would expand their empire and conquer different nations. One nation they conquered was the Greeks and became the Romans. This would later lead to the Roman Catholic Church, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

Definitions for 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉𐤌 / adauamayam

When adding the 𐤌 (mayam) after the 𐤉 (yad) to the end of a word, it creates a plural of the original word. It can identify multiple members of a nation. For example, 𐤏𐤁𐤓 (Ābar) is the progenitor, but 𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉𐤌 (Ābarayam) are the plural descendants of him also known as Hebrews.

Ābarayat 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉𐤌adauamayamaw-doom-yawm

descendants of Ashau or Adauam.
red spots


descendants of Esau or Edom.


a place between Jerusalem and Jericho
red spots


red, tan, ruddy, scarlet


Idumea, Edom, a district of Arabia, immediately south of Judea.

Images for 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉𐤌 / adauamayam

Definitions for 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉𐤕 / adauamayat

When adding the (tau) after the 𐤉 (yad) to the end of a word, it creates a plural of the original word. It identifies the language or a sign of a nation’s existence. For example, 𐤏𐤁𐤓 (Ābar) is the progenitor, but 𐤏𐤁𐤓𐤉𐤕 (Ābarayat) is the language of him also known as Paleo-Hebrew language.

Ābarayat 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉𐤕adauamayataw-doom-yawt


𐤀alp (ox)A aah
bayt (house)
𐤂gaml (throwstick)G gga
𐤃dag (fish)D dda
𐤄hillul (praise)H hha
𐤅uph (fowl)O oua ( oo )
𐤆zayn (sword)Z zza
𐤇hasr (courtyard)
hayt (thread)
Ch chcha
𐤈tab (good)Th ththa
𐤉yad (hand)Y yya
𐤊kap (palm)K kka
𐤋lamd (goad)L lla
𐤌maym (water)M mma
nahas (snake)
𐤎samk (peg)S ssa
𐤏ayn (eye)Ā āaa
𐤐pit (corner)P ppa ( fa )
𐤑saday (plant)Ts tstsa
𐤒qoba (needle/monkey)Q qqa
𐤓ras ()R rra
𐤔sims (sun)
sadeh (field/land)
Sh shsha
taw (mark)

Images for 𐤀𐤃𐤅𐤌𐤉𐤕 / adauamayat


You can continue your studies of the words by viewing Strong’s entries for:

  • Arauakah Ābarayat #140
  • Strong’s Hebrew #123
  • Strong’s Greek Concordance #2401


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