Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Tooltip Categories: War and Weaponry

Yaphat - Japheth
Japheth; a son of Nauakh
Yah enlarges
fair, beautiful, beauty, comely, fairest, one, goodly, pleasant, well
yarah - shoot
to throw, shoot
inform, instruct, law
Ishmael; the eldest son of Abaraham
“Yah hears”, “He who hears Al”
yashar - upright
Jasher; “Righteous”
to be smooth, straight, or right
seem good, please will, be esteem, go right on, bring look, make.
Yaāqab - Jacob _ Yasharaal - Israel
Israel; “Righteous of Al”
“Yah strives”, another name for Yaāqab.
Asharah - Yasharah (1)
“She Who Guides”
the third-person proper name of the contested wife of Yahayah.
Yatsakhaq - Isaac
Isaac; the promised son of Abaraham
“Yah laughs”, “He laughs”
yauabal - ram's horn
a ram, ram’s horn (a wind instrument), jubilee, trumpet
yauam - day
z - zan


weapon, cut off, sickle, harvest, food, feed