Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Tooltip Categories: Alphabet

a - alaph


Ox, strength, leader
Prefix: Turns word into first-person
ā - āyan


eye, to see, experience, watch, heed, know, cover, color
Prefix: Not applicable
aā - timber (1)
āb - dark cloud


dark cloud, cloud mass, thicket, clay, thick cloud, thick.
ab - father


father, forefather, chief
freshness, fresh green, fruit
abanath - women girdle
ābar - Eber - Region Beyond
Eber, Hebrew, Ibri;
region across or beyond, to pass over, through, or by, pass on.
Abat - Leather Waterskin
a place in Adauam
abathayakh - watermelon
abats - ebez
a city in Yashashakar
zinc, high voltage
ād - perpetuity - eternal


perpetuity or endless or eternity.
ad - mist (1)