Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Tooltip Categories: Adjectives

adamah - ground - earth
ādan - luxuriate
to luxuriate, delight self
Eden, the garden home of Adam and Khayah.
adan - pedestal
a base, pedestal, foundation, socket.
adauam - red lentils
red lentils, a condiment
Edom, Edomites
Yah - Yahayah - Yahauah - Ah - Al


“I Am Life”
the first-person name of the Alah of Yasharaal
yahauah - calamity
“I create mischief”
the contested first-person name of the alah of Yasharaal, transliterated from the Tetragrammaton
Yahayah - Adam
“I create existence”
the first-person proper name of the alah of Yasharaal, is transliterated from what may have predated the Tetragrammaton.
Yahayashayaā - Yahauashauaā - The Messiah
“I who creates is salvation”
the first-person proper name of the Messiah.
akh - brother and akhauat - sister
akh - brother and akhauat - sister
ālayauan - ālayayan - Uppermost


height, above, high, most High.
a yoke
Yah - Yahayah - Yahauah - Ah - Al


El, deity
God, goodly, great, idol, mighty one, power, strong.