Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

malak - king
king, consult, royal, advice
Moloch; a heathen god to whom Israelites sacrificed children
n - nauan


offspring, seed, fish, heir, kingdom, continue, perpetuate
Suffix: forming nouns denoting one with a certain characteristic.
Nauakh - Noah
Noah; patriarch who survived the flood
to rest, cease, be confederate, lay, let down, be quiet, remain, cause to, be at.
p - phaah


mouth, word, speak, edge, sword, scatter, blow
pharaā - male locks
let go, let alone
long hair, locks
pharaa - bear fruit
be fruitful, to bear fruit, a wild donkey, wild ass
q - qauaph


divide, sun on horizon, behind, gather, condense, go around, circle.
Qauas - Qos
Qos, Kos, Qibla
Edomite god
r - raash


head and person, man, beginning, top, rule, inheritance, possession
s - samak


shield, pierce, sharp, support, prop, hate, hand on staff
Suffix: Marks the possessive form of nouns used for people.