Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

al ālayauan - God of Aliens
Yah - Yahayah - Yahauah - Ah - Al
God, god, possibly goddess.
an oath
to wail
to swear, curse
an oak, a terebinth
alaph - learn
learn, teach, utter.
to produce thousands.
cattle, family, kine, oxen.
Yah - Yahayah - Yahauah - Ah - Al
Elat, deity
Goddess, goodly, great, idol, mighty one, power, strong.
Yah - Yahayah - Yahauah - Ah - Al
God, god, possibly goddess.
an oath
to wail
to swear, curse
an oak, a terebinth
Alayashaā - deliverance
God is Deliverance
Godly blindness
ālayauan - ālayayan - Uppermost
high, upper, Most high, Uppermost, Highest One
am - mother
An - Anu - Anum - where (1)
An - Anu - Anum - where (1)
An - Anu - Anum - where (1)
Anum, Anunn, Anunna
they, those
Aphasauas - Ephesus
Ephesus; a coastal city, the capital of the Roman province of Asia.