Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

criminal, guilty, strange
and a stranger, and a foreigner
y - yad


arm, hand, work, thrust, deed, make, throw, worship
Prefix: he/she, turns a word third person
Suffix: establishes a relation to, descendant of, the likeness of. Also, possessive form meaning my, of mine, me.
Yaāqab - Jacob _ Yasharaal - Israel
Jacob; a son of Yatsakhaq
heel-catcher; supplanter
yabal - stream
to conduct, bear along, bring forth, carry, lead forth
watercourse, stream
yad - hand marriage
Yah - Yahayah - Yahauah - Ah - Al
“He who creates life”
the name of the Alah of Yasharaal
yahauah - calamity
“He who creates disaster”
the contested proper name of the alah of Yasharaal, transliterated from the Tetragrammaton
Yahayashayaā - Yahauashauaā - The Messiah
“Yahauah is freedom”
the third-person speculated name of the Messiah.
Yahayah - Adam
“He who creates existence”
the third-person proper name of the alah of Yasharaal, is transliterated from what may have predated the Tetragrammaton.
Yahayashayaā - Yahauashauaā - The Messiah
“Yahayah is salvation”
the third-person proper name of the Messiah.