
Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

yahauah - calamity
breathe, to fall, to be
mischief, mischievous thing, naughtiness
a ruin, disaster
Yahayah - Adam
come to pass, become, be
accomplished, committed, cause
k - kaph


palm of the hand, to open, tame, subdue, bend, curve
Prefix: Like, as, about, approximately
kh - khat


tent wall, fence, separation, divide, abdomen, belly
khakamah - wisdom
skill, wisdom, wisely, wits
kham - Ham
Ham; the second son of Nauakh
hot (from the tropical habitat)
Khanauak - Enoch
Enoch; one known as the father of Methuselah and another known as a son of Cain.
Inaugurated, trained, initiated, dedicated, teacher
khatan - bridegroom - husband
bridegroom, husband, son in law, daughter’s husband
khatanah - wedding
Khauah - Khayah - Eve
Eve; life-giver, “life”, the first woman
to tell, declare, show
khauayalah - Havilah - Philippines (1)
Circle, Bringing Forth, Languishing Village.
Havilah / Chavilah
Yah - Khayah - Eve
Eve; life-giver, “life”, the first woman
to live, community